

Hi, I’m Liz. I was born in Deerfield, Illinois and I came from a dysfunctional family. My parents were alcoholics. My father had an Irish temper and was physically abusive. They divorced when I was ten and both parents remarried. At 13, I was sexually abused by my stepfather. As a result, I didn’t speak to my mother again until I was twenty-four, married, and my first son was born.

I started abusing drugs and alcohol when I was thirteen years old. I was trying to fill the void, the loneliness, and the abuse in my life. We moved from place to place in two states until I was twenty-one. I came to New York 26 years ago. I lived in a woman’s hotel and sold my soul and myself for drugs. I couldn’t remember when was the last time I washed my clothes, ate or took a bath. I was addicted, attempted suicide, and experienced homelessness. I was psychologically and physically abused as well. When I depended on me, myself, and I, my life was lost, lonely, and painfully empty. I reached rock bottom.

One day, I was in New York City in a “women only” hotel and looked in the mirror with blood dripping from my nose from the cocaine abuse. I started crying and was overwhelmed with sorrow. I called out to God/Jesus like never before. I got on my knees and begged Him to help me. I cried myself to sleep and woke up experiencing for the first time in life peace, forgiveness and love. I packed what little I had, paid my bills at the hotel and quit my hundred dollar-a-day habit. Jesus had saved me!

It was no longer about me. It was about God. I still go through life’s trials, but the difference is I have learned to focus on Jesus and I have faith he will get me through. My Lord gives me strength, peace, comfort and love. I am no longer walking through life alone. He is carrying me. Jesus has never forsaken or left my side during the hard times. I read the Word of God and pray regularly.

Commonwealth Community Baptist Church has welcomed me and my family with loving arms. My first day, Eric invited me to the Grand opening of the church in its new building in November 2008. Pastor Marty took the time to reach out and get to know me and my family. He has been very supportive and godly. I was searching and yearning for a church to call home, and I have found that in CCBC. I have learned and grown spiritually in such a short time since being a church member here. It was a blessing to be baptized. I thank the Lord for our new pastor, Dr. Joel Grassi.



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The church is like a family to me. The people are so friendly. I feel welcome here.



I met with Pastor Joel. He took the Bible and explained the way of salvation more clearly to me. He answered all my questions and helped me to see that Christ had died for my sins on the cross.



My family and I fled to Ghana, then to the U.S. This church has the same doctrine as our church back in Togo.