The famous quote, “teamwork makes the dreamwork,” is attributed to John C. Maxwell, a Christian author and clergyman. The full quote from his 2002 book is, “Teamwork makes the dreamwork, but a vision becomes a nightmare when the leader has a big dream and bad team.” In First Corinthians 3:6, the Apostle Paul told the […]


The famous quote, “teamwork makes the dreamwork,” is attributed to John C. Maxwell, a Christian author and clergyman.

The full quote from his 2002 book is, “Teamwork makes the dreamwork, but a vision becomes a nightmare when the leader has a big dream and bad team.

In First Corinthians 3:6, the Apostle Paul told the church of God which was at Corinth, “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

Both Maxwell’s quotes and Paul’s inspired words remind us of a basic truth: none of us can do it alone.

Paul’s dream, or mission, was to see New Testament churches planted and thriving throughout the known world.

He was able to see this accomplished through partners like Apollos giving of their resources, time, and energy to help him do it.

But ultimately, it was God’s blessing, the giving of the increase, that allowed these churches to prosper.

As we were reminded after the initial wave of the pandemic, each member of the body of Christ at Commonwealth is vital to our spiritual prosperity and success.

Your investment of time, ideas, heart & soul & mind & strength, and so much more, contribute to the greater success of what we are all endeavoring to do here: fulfill the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20 in our area of the Bronx and beyond.

Let us all be involved in the planting of the seed of the Word of God to our neighbors, and let us also water those seeds in prayer to God, asking Him to increase the fruits of our labors for Him.

(A form of this message was originally shared with our community in June of 2020)